" I ain't no Superbo! I ain't no fraggin' hero! I'm th' Main Man! I booze! I womanize! I swear! An' I beat th' livin' crap outta anybody I fraggin' feel like!"
- Lobo
Born on the planet of Czarnia, Lobo (real name unpronounceable) is a member of the Czarnians race, who were and nigh-immortal pacifists who created a violence-free utopia. However, Lobo was a black sheep; Lobo was killing from the day he was born, literally, and caused endless havoc for his own race, gaining his nickname of Lobo, translated "One who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it." He would finally ended their suffering by creating and releasing a genocidal plague of murderous scorpion-like creatures to kill them all off, leading to Lobo to becoming the Last Czarnian (except for Miss Tribb and Princess Sheba).
- More on Backstory: A Serpent in Eden - Overkill! - 10 Incredible Facts About Lobo!
- Full Name: Unpronounceable
- Alias: Lobo ("One who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it"), The Main Man, The Last Czarnian, the Ultimate Bastich
- Age: Unknown
- Species: Czarnians
- Height: 6'4" (1.93 meters)
- Weight: 305 lbs (138 kg)
- Place of Birth: Czarnia
- Base of Operation: Anywhere
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Profession: Bounty Hunter, Assassin, Mercenary, Mass Murderer, Scientist (believe it or not), Priest (also believe it or not)
- Fun Fact: Loves Killing, Blowing Things Up, and Space Dolphins
Note: I'm aware that Lobo has several clones, making it difficult to determine what feats relate to the real Lobo. However, I believe that feats of a direct clone of Lobo are worth including, as anything that a clone do can be done by the true Main Man himself.
As a murderous, intergalactic bounty hunter, Lobo utilizes an near-ENTIRE arsenal of weapons and gadgets to get the job done. From his fists and brutal melee weapons to an assortment of guns and explosives to his legendary SpaceHog, Lobo has a virtually unlimited arsenal of weapons.
Hook and Chain
Lobo's signature weapon is a large hook on a chain. The hook varies greatly in appearance, from a rusty hook you'd use on a big fish, to a hooked blade effective for hacking and slashing. What is consistent is its hyper-resilient construction and its ability to pierce through the flesh of super-humanly durable opponents. Thanks to its chain, Lobo can swing his hook towards a victim, latch it on and pull his enemy in. Aside from use as a weapon, he also uses it to tie up opponents or drag them behind his bike.
Swords, Machetes and Knives
When in need of a more precise tool for carving his enemies a new one, Lobo caries with him several knives, as well as machetes and swords from time to time, including the kukri-style machete he used to kill an evil dictator version of Santa.
Lobo loves to get down and dirty in close-quarters combat, but he also loves firing his lovely big guns! From hulking handguns to messy shotguns to colossal machine guns to arm-mounted cannon, the Main Man enjoys unloading a volley of bullets and lasers down sights. Lucky for us, he's a crack shot, capable of hitting enemies with pin-point accuracy. Several of his guns are capable of planetary destruction.
Things that go BOOM!
Rockets, Grenade, Sticks of Dynamite, Explosive Charges! You name the explosive, Lobo has it! Some of his bombs are strong enough to near destroy entire cities. Others are capable of destroying entire planets! He also carries various specialty bombs, including incendiary grenades, perfect for Martian Manhunter!
Lobo's bike is a customized SpazFrag666. It boasts a miniaturized 17-liter powerplant with 3x Turbo and full HandsOff facility. Zero to 60 is instantaneous, and top speed is a cool several million kays per minute. It runs on Unleaded. This pup comes with countless epic features:
- Out-race a planetary explosion
- Thrust-force great enough to escape the gravitational pull of a black hole
- Automated Computer
- Security System that accepts only Lobo
- Full HandsOff Facility, for self-piloting, following and shooting
Other Equipment
Lobo has a few other items in his repertoire, including:- Dawg: Lobo has a pet alien bulldog that Lobo often claims is not his when it gets into trouble.
- Knucks: Lobo will sometimes wear some form of knucks that boost his punching power. If he's already capable of punching planets into destruction, I don't want to know how much such knucks can do for the Main Man...
- Red Power Ring: Lobo was given a Red Power Ring as a gift from the leader of the Red Lantern Core Atrocitus. Lobo keeps it around his neck but never seems to use it ever.
- Time Machine: Lobo has reverse-engineered a time-hopper in the past, which he has integrated to his bike and has used such a device in the past and had some explosive effects on time...
- Anything Else: When you're a hulking super-powered psycho, just about anything can be a weapon. Hammer? Pillar?Car? Human limbs? You name it, Lobo has probably used it!
Powers and Attributes
Enhanced Czarian Physiology: As a Czarnian with an array of enhancments, exercise and more, Lobo has a a selection of powers and superhuman attributes that can match with the likes of Superman, Green Lanterns and various others.
- Superhuman Strength: His strength varies greatly from writer to write, but at most times, Lobo is shown to be on par with Superman in terms of strength. He has even shown enough strength to destroy entire planets. More often than not, Lobo is able to effortlessly lift far in excess of 100 tons.He's more than strong enough to punch a person's upper head off his lover jaw, spit hard enough to kill a man, and break through solid-light constructs of various Green Lanterns, as well as break magical barriers. He is capable of tackling and knocking out Captain Marvel (Shazam), rolling up trillions of tons of city into a single bite-size ball and EAT it, and destroy planets with his bare hands (along with the Easter Bunny). He's even strong enough to latch his hook onto Pulsar Stargrave (in a Solaris-like "artificial sun" satellite) and slam it into the ground. According to Vril Dox, Pulsar Stargrave was created from a neutron star, and according to Pulsar, he has Stellar mass. With this mindset, Pulsar would most like have the mass of a neutron star, which is has an average of 1.4 solar mass. Solar mass is equal to 1.99 nonillion (10^30) kilograms or 1.99 octillian (10^27) metric tons. After doing the math ((1.99 * 1.4) 10^27), this would place Pulsar as having a possible mass of 2.79 octillion tons!
- Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Lobo is far faster than what many would expect for a man his size. He's fast enough to catch a post-Doomsday Superman with his hook and sling him into a building before the the Man of Steel could react, quickly and accurately calculate and predict the Flash's movement and hook him in the head, and impact into Superman with enough speed to catch him off guard AND hard enough to create a temporary atmosphere. His speed and reflexes also apply to him piloting his Spacehog, which is capable of flying several times the speed of light as to traverse the galaxy.
- Superhuman Durability: He has at times shrugged off blows from the likes of Superman with no damage and taken planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch. He's tough enough to get punched through a space ship by post-Doomsday Superman without taking any real damage, unharmed by a massive bombardment, shakes off an explosive assault that wiped out all life on the planet, and withstand the heat of the previously mentioned Pulsar Stargrave. As he's an "artificial star" that can produce temperatures akin to stars, it would likely produce temperatures between 3500 to 6000 Kelven.
- Limitless Endurance and Stamina: Even when Lobo is damaged or been fighting for a near endless amount of time, he'll keep fighting. He's been able to get back up after shooting himself in the head, keep moving after being ripped in half, keep fighting after getting his head disintegrated, and keep fighting after being reduced to a skeleton. For all intents and purposes, Lobo possesses inexhaustible endurance and stamina.
- Self-Sustenance: Lobo does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm. Doesn't keep him from his readily constant demand for liqueur and cigars.
- Accelerated Regeneration: If Lobo does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing factor enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, with little apparent pain. He will apparently heal from any injury. He can regenerate from just his skull, regenerate out of a pool of his own blood, apparently recycling the cells instantly, and recover after going through a black hole.
- Superhuman Will-Power: Lobo has proven to have unparalleled resistance to mind control and mind probes. He's even been able to out-match Guy Gardener in a test of will, who has near-unparalleled will power compared to other Green Lanterns.
TOON FORCE: Sometimes, Lobo's capabilities are simply beyond scientific or supernatural explanation. Lobo has a sort of "Bottomless Satchel," capable of pulling out a near endless supply of weapons out of impossible sizes. He can smoke his cigars in the airless vacuum of space, and he can even pull astronomical objects with stellar mass (e.g. Pulsar Stargrave) without neccisary leverage. Let me put it in layman terms: Lobo don't do Logic.
Genius Intelligence: Believe it or not, Lobo is a fragging genius! His intellect extends across numerous fields, whether its chemistry, mechanics, bio-engineering or languages.
- Multilingual: Lobo knows over 17,897 languages (except one).
- Chemistry: Lobo has a strong knowledge of chemicals and reactions.
- Mechanical Engineering: Lobo is capable of engineering near anything, from explosives since he was a child to crafting a planet busting guns from junk. He's even re-engineered a time machine and integrated it into his bike!
- Bio-Engineering: Lobo is an expert in bio-chemistry and bio-engineering, as he was the one who engineered the plague of scorpion-like creatures that wiped out his race.
- Physics: Lobo has a strong understanding of physics, which he used against the Flash.
- Religion: Lobo has extensive knowledge of science. I mean, he was an archbishop for the First Celestial Church of the Triple Fish-God... yeah, that's a thing.
- Space Dolphins: Lobo has extensive knowledge of his favorite animal, the Space Dolphin.
Expert Combatant: Lobo is a master in hand-to-hand or melee combat. He's battled with the likes of Superman, Batman, Aquaman and Etrigan the Demon. He's been able to tear through countless enemies with only a knife, his hook or his fists. He is able to find the weak spot of any opponent, allowing him to make quick work of an enemy in any fight.
Expert Marksman: Lobo prefers to fight up-close and personal (and messy) but he's also is a master with a gun. He's capable of shooting off the limbs of his opponents with clean precision and taking out a bundle of enemies without missing a single shot.
Tracking: Lobo is an expert tracker, capable of tracking virtually anyone via sent, even in the vacuum of space or through other dimensions. According to the 10 Incredible Facts, it is rumored that Lobo actually tracks people by sensing their "aura," or individual vibrations.
Piloting: Lobo knows how to ride his Spacehog like a beast, even when he's shooting planets into oblivion or flying at speeds faster than light!
Torture: Lobo knows how to hurt people... REALLY hurt people.
Guts: Perhaps its his powers that push him to these lengths. Perhaps his sadomasochism lunges him into potential pain. Perhaps he just isn't afraid of anything. No matter the case, the Main Man always has the guts, the grits, and the balls (or ovaries when he was a lady) to go anything, including picking a fight with Darkseid!
Lobo is practically inkillable, but he's not unstoppable. Just as any other hero or villain, the Main Man has his faults.
- Classic Jack-Ass Flaws: Lobo is an classic example of "super-powered assholes". As such an individual, Lobo would come with a variety of character flaws fitting to his nature, including:
- Stubborn: Lobo is stubborn to a T. He never backs down from a fight (unless it's Batman) and never gives up on his job... Unless it results in the harm of Space Dolphins.
- Short-Tempered: It's not hard for Lobo to get pissed. Whether he's been ripped on his pay, been manipulated as a pawn, or humiliated to all hell, Lobo will go berserk on his enemies. However, this can sometimes work against his enemies.
- Brash: Lobo is the kind of person to "shoot first, ask questions later," though typically a rhetorical question. Lobo will commit to an action without a care to his own health, such as flying through a black hole, or blowing up a Astronomical object in his path without even thinking that it's inhabited.
- Cocky: Lobo is always very confident in himself. Sometimes, a little too confident. He will go in with the idea that he can win, no matter how punishing the path is. Seeing how successful he's been, though, I can't really fault him on that.
- Masochist: Lobo rarely tries to dodge for a couple reasons, 10% because he can withstand the blow, 5% because he can just regenerate from any wounds, and 85% because he LOVES the pain! I mean, he DID enjoy his stay in hell!
- Drunker: Lobo's love for alcohol can get to him. However, the amount of drinks needed to get him drunk would be astronomical!
- Loves Dolphins: Nothing to say bad about space dolphins, but Lobo's love for them can shift his goals, such as sparing Aquaman as he was raised by them.
- Inconsistent Power: Lobo's capabilities have varied from writer to writer, ranging from being a mere building buster to strong enough to move stars. Even his regeneration can be iffy, ranging from incapacitated by decapitation to quickly regenerating from a single drop of blood.
- Regen-Disruption: As with anyone with impossible hyper-regenerative healing (i.e. Deadpool), death would require a means to completely stunt regeneration, if not out-right cancel it, like a carbonadium blade, or cause complete cellular destruction, like a Father-Son Kamehameha. With Lobo's inhuman endurance and potent healing factor, Lobo would need near-complete cellular/atomic eradication. However, his soul can still act...
When you're an immortal, virtually indestructible, ever-regenerating, bad-ass killing machine like Lobo, you start to rack up a list of feats real quick. Here's a few notable feats:
- Fought and bested numerous Green Lanterns, including Hal Jordon and Guy Gardner*
- Fought Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Ragman, Sargon the Sorcerer, and Enchantress simultaneously and sustained no injuries
- Fought Superman on several occasions and proved an equal match*
- Fought Big Head/The Mask
- Fought various other superheroes and villains, like the Flash, Captain Marvel (Shazam), Desparo, and Martian Manhunter*
- Fought and mutilated, if not murdered, literal Gods in literal Heaven
- Fought and killed Gawd and David (Basically God and the Devil if they were children)
- Slaughtered an intergalactic army
- Ripped through Neron's demonic army
- Killed so many demons that he's buried up to his neck in their bodies.
- Slain an evil Santa Claus and brings upon a nuclear Christmas
- Followed it up with catching and murdering the Easter Bunny*
- Rolled up an entire city into a single ball and eats it*
- Destroyed numerous planets with his guns and fists*
- Steals Star-Fire's top
- Became a space archbishop*
- Pulls an alien satellite with stellar mass down with little effort*
* Already mentioned in this analyses
When it comes to fighting, killing and destroying, few can do it better than The Main Man. This space-fairing, planet-busting, bounty-hunting badass is a must have in a Death Battle! Now we need an opponent that gives the Ultimate Bastitch an perfect challenge...
Animation Style: Any... but 3D would be the Best!
As primarily a brutish fighter, using his raw power to devistate his enemies, a 2D sprite battle would seem just fine, right? Well, it can easily work, but not as well as a 3D fight. With a good model of Lobo from Injustice: Gods Among Us, Lobo can properly enter Death Battle in a 3D fight by Torrian!
- Lobo/various (comics - 1990 to now)
- Superman: TAS (cartoon series- 1996 to 2000)
- Justice League (cartoon series - 2001 to 2004)
- Young Justice (cartoon series - 2010 to now)
- Justice League Action (cartoon series - 2016 to now)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us (video game - 2013)
I won't name every comic and episode that Lobo makes an appearance in, as that would take WAY too f**king long! Also, I will not touch the New 52 dumb, skinny goth freak that called himself "Lobo". It's better to leave him on the shelf.
"Time the Liven Up the Joint!"
For good sources of feats:
Possible Opponents
As a burtal, super-powered, bounty-hunting killing machine from space, the Main Man needs an equally as deadly foe to fight. This person needs to be one bad bastich!
Wolverine (Marvel)
"I'm the Best at what I do... and what I do an't pretty." - Wolverine
The mysterious beast of a man calls himself Logan. A Canadian with no sense of Canadian kindness, he is a mutant with superhuman regeneration, superhuman sense of smell and claws capable of tearing through flesh, later gaining adimantium lacing to his bones and claws, and a ferocity nearly unmatched by many. He would take his codename from an animal known for its strength, ferocity and lethality. He is the best at what he does, and what he does an't pretty. Logan is the Wolverine!
Possibility - Low-Medium: Now, we know that Lobo had become a parody of hyper-violent antiheroes of the time, including the Punisher, Cabel and, yes, Wolverine. Hell, Lobo and Wolverine share the common power of accelerated regeneration, superhuman sense of smell, and nigh-immortality. They've even encountered each other during the Marvel vs DC comic series. However... does Wolvy really stand that much of a chance? Yeah, Wolverine's bones are nigh-indestructible, but Lobo is practically immune to anything Wolverine can swing at him! What can Logan do? Slash at him? There's a greater chance that Lobo can crush Wolverine's skull than Wolverine leaving a lasting wound on the Main Man! Still, when it comes to their core characters and powers, this seems to be a fitting match.
The Setup: It's obvious that Lobo would instigate the fight by... I don't know, doing something Lobo usually does!
Deadpool (Marvel)
"♫ Deadpool-Man! Deadpool-Man! Does whatever Deadpool can! ♫ Makes a plan, any size, catches thieves and makes them die. ♫ Look out! ♫ There goes the Deadpool-Man! ♫" - Deadpool
Wade Wilson is a Canadian-born ex-special forces mercenary (and psychotic idiot) who began suffering from cancer. Seeking a means to escape this horrendous faith, Wade entered into the Weapon X program, where he would be tested on in an attempt to replicate the powers of a mutant we JUST talked about above. Sadly, Wade was deemed a failure, being kept along with the other failures that are personel bet on who will die first, which they dubbed the "dead-pool." Wade wouldn't accept this to be his fate; leading a revolt, Wade's healing factor would deem him utterly inkillable, along with other superhuman traits. From there on, Wade would take an alias in his new work as a super-powered mercenary, the Merc with a Mouth... Deadpool!
Possibility - Low: WHAT? IT'S DEADPOOL! THE MERC WITH A MOUTH! How is this not perfect? Both are funny, gritty, immortal, blood-spilling killers with hearts of gold! Well, let me ask you... what can Deadpool do to Lobo? Lobo is strong enough to destroy planets with his bare hands, tear down objects with stellar mass, withstand the blazing heats of suns, and regenerate from a pool of blood! At least Wolverine has adimantium bones to enhance his durability. "Oh, but Deadpool has Carbonadium swords!", yeah, well, Lobo has proven capable of fighting without his head. He's also shrugged off powerful enough impacts that would make Deadpool's sword-swings feel like taps with a grass leaf! Lobo can just crumple Deadpool into a tiny ball and chuck it into the Sun! GAME OVER! ... Still, both combatants are effectively parodies of hyper-violent antiheroes and are hilarious when used right. I wouldn't deny this as a possibility... I just think there's better choices.
The Setup: Lobo was hired to bring in Deadpool for a bounty... Dead or Alive! Not the hot beach-volleyball bikini-babe game series.
Ryoko Hakubi (Tenchi Muyo!)
"You know why they call me Ryoko? It's because I can raise spirits from anything under the sun."
- Ryoko
Tenchi had lived a simple, normal life, but his life had taken a step towards the bizarre as he becomes the magnet for several intergalactic women with an unnatural interest in him, including princesses, space cops, a mad scientist/goddess, and of course, the notorious space pirate Ryoko Hakubi. Due to the vast differences between the series, Ryoko has had a different backstory. However, her lusty, spitfire personality and intensive interest/love for Tenchi has always been the same... along with a variety of other powers, including superhuman attributes, energy projection, flight, teleportation, intangibility, and other bizarre powers. I would love to see this sexy space vixen in a Death Battle!
Possiblity - Medium-High: Lobo and Ryoko are not overly similar to each other, namely in powers, but are alike enough and somewhat equal in power to warrant her being on this list. Both are violent criminals with hearts of gold, who are near unstoppable and incredibly powerful. Also, both have crazy manes of hair. Now, at that point, the difference do become glaring, like how Lobo's repertoire consists of weapons and brute force, while Ryoko's relies on natural energy projection and maneuverability. Still, it would make for an awesome fight!
The Setup: Lobo's a bounty hunter. Ryoko has a BIG bounty on her head. Battle commences.
Samus Aran (Metroid)
"In the vast universe, the history of humanity is but a flash of light from a lone star. The life of a single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is one light that burns brighter than all others. The light of Samus Aran. Her battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history." - Intro to Metroid Prime
In the distant future, the Galactic Federation is constantly threatened. From the hyper-destructive Space Pirates to the invasive Metroid, the galaxy is constantly hanging above death as a spider over a fire. However, one brave warrior stands between the ever-churning chaos that threatens innocent lives. A woman taken in by the mysterious Chozo race as a child, given extensive DNA enhancements, combat training and her legendary Power Suit. He has battled against the forces of destruction, saving countless lives, becoming the most iconic "bounty hunter" (not in the western sense) in the galaxy. This is the legendary warrior named Samus Aran!
Possibility - High: I feel that Samus is a perfect opponent for Lobo. Both are space-fairing bounty hunters with talents in destroying near everything in their way, even if it's a planet! Now, Samus can't match his shear strength, durability and brutality, but she does have superiority in training and mobility, and her firepower might just be enough to take the Main Man out. Besides, if Samus goes to Zero Suit, we can have Lobo hit on her. I mean, she is a sexy 6'3" vixen in a skin-tight jumpsuit. In my opinion, Samus Aran Vs Lobo should be made!
Possibility - High: I feel that Samus is a perfect opponent for Lobo. Both are space-fairing bounty hunters with talents in destroying near everything in their way, even if it's a planet! Now, Samus can't match his shear strength, durability and brutality, but she does have superiority in training and mobility, and her firepower might just be enough to take the Main Man out. Besides, if Samus goes to Zero Suit, we can have Lobo hit on her. I mean, she is a sexy 6'3" vixen in a skin-tight jumpsuit. In my opinion, Samus Aran Vs Lobo should be made!
The Setup: With Lobo's tendency to destroy near-everything around him, it makes sense that Samus would want to stop Lobo. Perhaps she's given a lead by a certain individual, perhaps a bounty hunter we thought was dead. Perhaps Lobo can push some triggers with cat-calls and such.
Real estate agent Arthur Douglas was driving through the Mojave desert with his wife and daughter when a ship belonging to the mad titan Thanos blew it up like the asshole he is. Thanos' father, the Mentor decided to take Arthur's "astral form" (his soul) and placed it into a new body, a living weapon to use against Thanos. Gifted with superhuman strength, durability, stamina, regeneration and senses, as well as an aura that strengthens him the closer he is to Thanos. From here on, Arthur Douglas became Drax the Destroyer!
Possibility - Medium-High: Both Lobo and Drax are super-strong, super-durable, intergalactic, bounty-hunting badasses with expertise in melee combat, tracking and determination. Now, Drax is powerful, but I don't feel he's as powerful as Lobo, who can destroy planets with his bare fists with little effort. Still, a fitting match-up. Would certainly make for an epic DBX!
The Setup: Perhaps Lobo's been hired by some not-so-good forces to take down the Destroyer. Perhaps Drax is on the hunt for the Main Man. Up to the DB team to determine.
Drax the Destroyer (Marvel)
"Hello. I am Drax the Destroyer. My daughter desires a box of mint cookies, please." - Drax
Real estate agent Arthur Douglas was driving through the Mojave desert with his wife and daughter when a ship belonging to the mad titan Thanos blew it up like the asshole he is. Thanos' father, the Mentor decided to take Arthur's "astral form" (his soul) and placed it into a new body, a living weapon to use against Thanos. Gifted with superhuman strength, durability, stamina, regeneration and senses, as well as an aura that strengthens him the closer he is to Thanos. From here on, Arthur Douglas became Drax the Destroyer!
Possibility - Medium-High: Both Lobo and Drax are super-strong, super-durable, intergalactic, bounty-hunting badasses with expertise in melee combat, tracking and determination. Now, Drax is powerful, but I don't feel he's as powerful as Lobo, who can destroy planets with his bare fists with little effort. Still, a fitting match-up. Would certainly make for an epic DBX!
The Setup: Perhaps Lobo's been hired by some not-so-good forces to take down the Destroyer. Perhaps Drax is on the hunt for the Main Man. Up to the DB team to determine.
Cell (Dragon Ball Z)
"At last. All that I have ever imagined is now mine. I have become what no other could ever achieve. I am perfect." - Cell
Dr. Gero had spent his life seeking revenge upon Son Goku, who single-handedly destroyed the Red Ribbon Army as a child. In his efforts, the "good" doctor began designing a collection of androids and cyborgs to be used in the eradication of the Saiyan warrior, many of which he deemed failures. His lust for revenge would go beyond his grave, as he began a project to create the perfect bio-android warrior, which would be completed by his super-computer. By the time it was ready, much of the Z-Warriors were already dead and the cyborgs that killed them were destroyed by a time-traveling half-Saiyan named Trunks. Needing those cyborgs alive to finish his evolutionary process, the bio-android killed the time traveler, stole his time machine and sent itself into the past, seeking to track down the cyborgs it needed, bringing forth a path of destruction and horror in its wake. Through this, the world would know of the evil that was... Cell.
Possibility - Medium-High: Both Lobo and Cell are awesome monsters who enjoy fighting and destroying, are unbelievably powerful in their own rights, and can regenerate from a single cell. How perfect a match can you get? Well, it isn't THAT perfect. As powerful as Cell is, he has quickly fallen behind to the likes of Goku, Buu and others. Lobo has consistently shown powerful enough to compete with the likes of Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and even Superman at his prime! Still, both Lobo and Cell are cool-as-hell and a match between them would still be pretty epic. Personally, I believe that Cell should compete against a fully-synthetic opponent, like Ultron.
The Setup: With Cell threatening the Earth and staging his tournament, perhaps the Main Man is around, sees a possible bounty for the bio-android and decides to compete for both the bounty and to fight!
Bender (Futurama)
"Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!" - Bender
In the distant future, the advancements in robotics has reached incredible levels, to the point of creating mechanical beings with artificial intelligence, along with personality traits and flaws like humans. Among them is a bending unit robot who steals, cons, gambles, smokes cigars, drinks extensively, bangs hookerbots, watches porn, and is constantly trying to gain attention to boost his already over-inflated ego. He does as he wants, when he wants, as he wants. He's a war hero, a musician, a chef, a retired professional wrestler, a former planet/god for an extinct race of tiny people, and a current employee of Planet Express. He is the Legend. He is the Greatest. Ladies and Gentlemen, he is... Bender Bending Rodríguez!
Possibility - Low But Why the Fuck Not! Bender is not at Lobo's level. He's NEVER been at Lobo's level. No matter how impossibly spacious his chest cavity is or how impossible it is to be 40% of every metal or how many cigars he smokes or beers he drinks, he stands no chance against the Main Man. That said, the similarities between these two warrants an honorable mention of Bender. Both love to drink beer, smoke cigars, womanize and cause chaos for the fun of it! I would totally be happy if Bender was hanging out with Lobo before or after Lobo's fight. Personally, I feel Bender should go against Arsene Lupin III, as both are woman-loving thieves from comedic series!
The Setup: Bender has a mighty bounty on his head for seducing and banging a sexy robot-daughter of a rich guy, and Lobo has taken the job.
Wario (Mario Bros)
"I'm-a Wario, I'm-a gonna win!" - Wario
Long ago, within the Mario universe, there were seven individuals born with incredible power, being dubbed the Star Children. They consist of the brothers Mario and Luigi, the loving Princess Peach, the super-gorilla Donky Kong, the friendly dino Yoshi, and the dragon-turtle Bowser. However, none are as ridiculous, foul and greedy as the one, the only, WARIO! He is gifted with superhuman strength and durability, superhuman eating power, and a style of fighting emphasizing his size, strength and raunchy nature. In addition, he also has an affinity for explosives, thieves tools, an oversize motorcycle, and various transformations.
Possibility - High: When it comes to matches, there are far more similarities between Lobo and Wario compared to most others. Both are destructive, crude, strong and tough as hell, short-tempered, and do malevolent stuff for the fun of it. Hell, both have motorcycles and explosives galore. There are few equal matches as fitting as this. The only trouble is in how powerful Wario is in comparison to Lobo, but that's for the DB team to figure out.
The Setup: With all the crimes and damage he's committed, it wouldn't be surprising that Wario would have a mighty bounty on his head. Perhaps Lobo has caught wind of this bounty. Now the Main Man must face against the Greedy Plumber!
Gengar (Pokemon)
"Should you feel yourself attacked by a sudden chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar. There is no escaping it. Give up." - Pokedex on Gengar
Among the vast number of Pokemon, few are as tricky and sinister as Gengar. A ghost-poison type Pokemon, Gengar is capable of projecting shadow energy to frightened and even harm its foes, inflict curses and hexes on its enemies, and manipulate the dreams of its victims. It is mischievous, even malicious, as it enjoys playing pranks on and terrifying people and Pokemon alike, as well as feed off the dreams and life force of sleeping victims. A terrifying critter indeed, made even worst when he Mega Evolves...
Possibility - Low-Medium: Look, Gengar is a deadly Pokemon, even deadlier as Mega Gengar, but Lobo is beyond most Pokemon. Lobo's willpower is great enough to resist Gengar's attacks on the psychi, and the damage Gengar can deal would be non-existant against the Main Man. The only reason why I even included Gengar is because this critter would be the kind of Pokemon Lobo would actually enjoy having around. Honestly, with how sinister, devastating, and goth-metal Gengar is, I can see him riding with Lobo on the SpaceHog, puffing on a cigar and causing mayhem.
The Setup: Perhaps Lobo is walking about when Gengar starts playing pranks on him. Lobo doesn't like being pranked on. Perhaps Lobo finds him and, having found some Pokeballs off some dumb kid he beat the sh*t out of, decides to try catching it. Remember, before you can catch a Pokemon, you have to knock it out, and Lobo is the kind of man who does his own fighting.
You know of any important information that I missed? Who do you think the Main Man should go toe-to-toe with in a Death Battle? Tell me your ideal opponent in the comments below!
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